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Hotdogs?! Really?

October 25, 2010

Ooooh I’ve been a bad, bad girl.

I’m not going to dwell on this or punish myself or let this derail me tomorrow or any day this week.  But sometimes I really just make some stupid choices.

My husband and I are a bit at odds when it comes to the groceries.  He is all about what tastes good, no matter how processed it is.  For him, it is definitely quantity over quality.  The most food he can get for $20 kind-of-guy.  I feel a pull on both sides.  The smart, educated-about-food side of my brain wants me to get the best food I can get.  The practical, penny-pincher side of me says, “NO WAY! YOU ARE PROBABLY THE ONLY PERSON IN THE HOUSE WHO WILL EAT THIS STUFF. ”  So right now, I’m feeling a little guilty for every veggie that goes in my cart. 

Enter in the hot dogs.  Gross.  I don’t even want to know what is in them, even the all-beef ones.  Yet somehow they made it into my shopping cart.  And then one made it into my stomach today.  And I am paying for it!!  WOW!  No more stomach of steel.  I feel bloated and just plain nauseous.  I am craving some real, wholesome food right now and trying like hell to just walk away from the whole hot dog fiasco.

I really feel drawn to the raw/vegan style of life.  I don’t see myself ever labeling myself “vegan” or anything because I’m not sure that is realistic for me.  When my 80 yr old grandma makes me a meal, I am NOT going to insult her and turn it down.  I am not going to starve if I’m ever completely un-prepared in an unfamiliar environment just because there isn’t vegan food available.  If I suddenly crave a steak or want a grilled chicken breast, I am going to eat it.  Catch my drift here?  I want to start encorporating more raw and vegan meals into my diet.  It will come with time, even if I can only start with a few meals a week.  We all have to start somewhere, right?!  I am not one for putting a label on myself.

So I am just going to do my best to move past today’s bad choice and really think about why it happened…poor planning and poor judgement.  Next time everyone wants to eat that crap, I am going to make myself a green smoothie instead 🙂

8 Comments leave one →
  1. Dusty permalink
    October 24, 2010 7:34 pm

    Says Mo “Do you like hotdogs?” 😉

    • October 24, 2010 7:37 pm

      lol Dusty…I completely forgot about that! MOTW! I miss the old days 😦

      But to answer your question, I’m thinking…my stomach says NO!! It’s been hours and I still feel like crap!

  2. Ann McMullen permalink
    October 24, 2010 7:47 pm

    you are always going to have that! that’s how i felt everytime a certain family got together, always crap to eat! but, realisticly, you are always going to feel like you have to eat something you really wouldn’t normally chose to eat, i just try to eat a small portion. i have learned to take my own food at my own parents, like today for lunch. so, i never felt like i had to eat their food, i totally enjoyed my own food. but, i totally understand the stomach ache! been there many times. it too will pass….

    • October 24, 2010 8:06 pm

      I think I know what you are talking about…yes, usually nothing healthy to eat!! I do try and eat before I go places and bring my own snacks with me but then things happen…I run out or I take much longer than expected, etc. I know 99% of the time I can avoid it!! I just have to work on it. Actually, the grandma I was thinking of was Pete’s grandma…when we stayed the night last month, she woke up at 5:00 to cook us breakfast, pushing her oxygen tank all over the place! I wasn’t going to NOT eat her food but I did definitely hold back–I just ate enough to not feel so hungry anymore.

      I just made myself a yummy spinach-cherry-raspberry smoothie. I feel SO much better!

  3. Shan permalink
    October 24, 2010 8:14 pm

    Eek. Sounds like my husband! I’ve been trying so hard to shop better and inevitably when we shop together there are hot dogs, ramen, chips and other cheap and unhealthy things in the cart.
    I can see the lure of eating vegan. But…I like meat way too much. So I think your thought of eating a steak when you want to is right on track. Sometimes denying those urges is counterproductive.

    • October 24, 2010 8:21 pm

      Hey Shan, thanks for stopping by 🙂 It is SO hard when you are the only one in the house determined to buy healthy foods! And trust me–I’m from Illinois, aka “MEAT AND CHEESE AND RANCH LAND!” I don’t know if I could ever completely give up meat…but giving things up isn’t really my ultimate goal. I want to start adding some ultra-healthy things to my diet that I might normally not eat, therefore pushing away some of the other stuff. It will still be there…just not as much or as often! I’ll probably be an omnivore for life 🙂

  4. Meghan permalink
    October 25, 2010 4:30 pm

    I can totally understand where you are coming from especially with the whole hot dog thing. I don’t know why but I just have never been able to eat one without feeling sick. Sometimes they smell SO good and I think if I drench it in ketchup and onions I won’t get sick and it just never works! I have noticed that the more I incorporate healthy foods the less I am able to tolerate the ones I replaced. For example, a couple weeks ago I ran out of whole wheat bread so I borrowed some of hubby’s white bread and I almost threw up..I felt so sick for awhile afterwards cause I guess I am just not used to it! Your smoothie looks amazing though! I am going to have to learn how to make those for sure!!

    • October 25, 2010 4:46 pm

      Thanks for reading, Meghan!

      I have absolutely noticed a big change in what I can and cannot eat anymore!! Or things that have always given me trouble that I never really connected with my eating until recently! It’s amazing what our bodies will tell us 🙂

      And definitely sneak some spinach into your smoothies!! The combo I like is fruit+flax+spinach+protein+rice milk (or coconut milk)

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